Sunday 25 November 2012

First Review - Avengers Assemble

As this is my first review, I'd love to hear back from you with anything I could improve my posts with. Enjoy.

My first review is about one of my favourite films at the moment. Avengers Assemble. It's an action packed superhero movie with a star studded cast including the likes of Robert Downey JR, Scarlett Johansson and Samuel L Jackson. There has been a number of other films that have tried to feature a lot of high profile actors and their respective characters into one film, for example 'The Expendables' or 'RED' and these films haven't had quite the positive effect that you would expect as they try too hard to feature all these high profile actors rather than making a great storyline. Avengers Assemble is a film which not only has a high level of acting experience included, but also has a great storyline with characters which viewers can become friends with and relate to.
The film is based around the collection of popular Marvel superheros -Ironman, Thor, Hulk, Natasha Romanoff / Black Widow and Clint Barton / Hawkeye that are "Assembled" by Nick Fury, to fight against the powers which Thor's brother Loki possesses due to the mystical source of power 'The Tesseract'. The Tesseract has the ability to create a clean, renewable source of energy. The superheros must come together and fight as a team to overcome Loki and his army, which intend on taking over the world.
Because the characters are all compiled from a collection of other films, the casting did itself. All of the actors are brilliant throughout the film with Robert Downey JR who plays Ironman and Mark Ruffalo who plays the Hulk, especially excelling and playing their parts perfectly.
Personally i'm a massive an of all superhero films so when I saw the announcement for this film I was looking forward to it very much and I definitely wasn't disappointed.
For people like me which are very much in love with superhero films and the stories behind them I definitely recommend you watch Avengers Assemble and I'm sure you'll enjoy it very much.

Rating out of 10 = 8/9

Thank you for reading. Purchase Avengers Assemble here -

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